
. . . best big brother. . .

4:05 PM

not many of you know, but i've got this terrific big brother. like i'm talking about, smart, funny, kind, spiritual. (sorry, ladies, he is married.) but here are some reasons i love him.

- he is the first one to get me interested in science. when he was insane about space travel and astronauts i would sneak his books and read about the first Russian woman in space. i knew then that women could be scientists and it was ok.

- adam was also the one to get me interested in playing the violin. i wanted to play the violin because he played the violin. and i wanted to take from the same piano teach he did, because maybe that meant i would be as cool as he was.

- this kid is super smart. like i'm talkin about getting 5's on AP tests, acing college and getting a master's degree in chemical and electrical engineering. i'm pretty sure he's a genius.

- he's the funnest to watch football or basketball with him. let's just say that i spent the "Jimmer Era" cheering on BYU with adam- and it was a blast.

- he's always been there for me. one time when i was little and my sister and younger brother were being mean, adam let me come in his room and "hide" from them. another time when i had a crappy day my sophomore year of college, he brought me ice cream. after my first bad break up, he (and his wife) let me come to their house multiple times a week, just to eat dinner, have FHE, watch psych, or do homework.

- adam has been super good at staying in touch with me personally. he's always willing to Facetime (mostly so i can see his cute kids) or talk. he sends me the best birthday gifts (i'm thinking maybe his wife is also part of this haha). i just know that he is there for me

- he is always trying to make our family a fun and happy place. he's the first to make a joke and to try to relieve the tension (because we never ever fight haha).

- probably one of the greatest ways he is an example to me though is that he is an amazing father. even though we live thousands of miles away from him and his family, i know that he loves his wife and children. he puts them first and teaches his kids the Gospel. 

thanks Adam for being the best big brother i could ask for you! love you!

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