he wakes up every morning [and has for the last 10 years] to make breakfast so my mom can exercise he massages my mom's feet every night [i don't even like feet but think this is cute of him] he was in scouts for years and years and even hiked Timp just a few years ago [he isn't a young creature either] when...
i know. it's been forevs since i wrote a post. sorry 'bout that. sometimes you just need a break from blogging. (haha i know i've been taking lots of breaks. that 18 month break just got me out of the habit.) buuuuut i've been reading a lot! i love that i can read books- perks of not being in school. so here's a...
[because Montel Williams told me, and 60,000 other people, that i am a patriot.] guys i love the fourth of july, partially because it's in the summertime, but mostly because i was raised to love america. this year i wanted it to be the best july 4th yet, even though i had to work all weekend. and i think it was! the celebrations...
i made a goal this year to read more books. since i'm not in school i have more free time on my hands than i have ever been used to having! and i like learning. so i read. a couple books i have read lately have really made an impact in my life. i'd thought i'd share them with you. Intuitive Eating by...
it's kind of funny [not haha funny, but ironic funny] how certain things affect your life and become important to you. that's how cancer is for me. i remember the first time i heard the word "cancer." i was 8 and my next door neighbor had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. i didn't know what it meant, but i remember that understanding...