. . . halloween candy. i mean come on people! is it weird that i seriously miss my pillowcase full of candy? and i miss Canadian halloween candy. . . . dressing up. for one day you can be whoever you want. you can be a witch or a superhero or an old man. you can literally be anything. . . . dance...
in the last month i've been thinking about endurance and giving up. i think that in each of our lives their comes a point when we have to decide what our commitment is to our Heavenly Father and his Gospel. we have to decide if we are really going to endure, no matter what comes our way, or if we will flake out...
i've been wanting to write about this for a while now. but things like fear and not knowing what to say stopped me. but part of life is saying things, no matter how hard or uncomfortable it may be, that are important to you. a few years ago i started to address my anxiety for the first time. it was scary and humbling,...
there are so many things i love about fall, but one of my most favorite thing is fall food! (go figure right?) there's just something about cloudy skies, cool winds and crispy leaves that inspires me to bake and create delicious foods. and i'm all about them comfort foods- bread, cookies, hot cocoa and soup! one of my favorite go-to recipes for soup...
a couple nights ago i was watching youtube videos of soldiers coming home (i don't know why because they always make me cry) and i realized that September 11 was just a few days away. it got me thinking a little bit. fourteen years ago was a long time ago. the girls i work with- most of them don't even remember it happening,...
this summer i've renewed my love for Utah mountains. guys, i live in such a beautiful place! i really wanted to go camping over labor day weekend, and thanks to my friend abby, we did! because i've been pretty busy with work and nursing school applications, i didn't have time to look for camping spots, but abby was a life saver and reserved...
ever since reading Daring Greatly (see this post) i've just been thinking about how i can dare greatly in my life. lesbehonest, my life is pretty boring. i work, sleep and eat. oh, and netflix. haha ok it's not that boring- i've been doing lots of fun things. but i don't get out there a lot. there isn't a lot to push me...
i've been reading a bunch this summer! it's pretty awesome. i'm realizing how many books i want to read. after seven years of not really being able to read for leisure, it's great to finally do that. i try to mix up the books so i've got some pleasure and some informative/ non-fiction reading. Matched and Crossed by Allie Condie this is your typical...
i've been away on holiday. but now i'm back and with everyone getting back into school and making plans for the school year, i'm vowing to be a better blogger. that means more blog posts and goodness for you! you might be wondering what this picture of obviously cheap airplane pretzels and tea has to do with anything. let me tell you. i...
- i'm probably the only person in the whole world who doesn't love Swig's sugar cookies - i know all the words to every song from all three High School Musical movies - i have a bachelors degree in Exercise Science from Brigham Young University - most of my knowledge about the geography of Rome comes from the Lizzie McGuire movie ["this is...
he wakes up every morning [and has for the last 10 years] to make breakfast so my mom can exercise he massages my mom's feet every night [i don't even like feet but think this is cute of him] he was in scouts for years and years and even hiked Timp just a few years ago [he isn't a young creature either] when...
i know. it's been forevs since i wrote a post. sorry 'bout that. sometimes you just need a break from blogging. (haha i know i've been taking lots of breaks. that 18 month break just got me out of the habit.) buuuuut i've been reading a lot! i love that i can read books- perks of not being in school. so here's a...