ever since reading Daring Greatly (see this post) i've just been thinking about how i can dare greatly in my life. lesbehonest, my life is pretty boring. i work, sleep and eat. oh, and netflix. haha ok it's not that boring- i've been doing lots of fun things. but i don't get out there a lot. there isn't a lot to push me...
i've been reading a bunch this summer! it's pretty awesome. i'm realizing how many books i want to read. after seven years of not really being able to read for leisure, it's great to finally do that. i try to mix up the books so i've got some pleasure and some informative/ non-fiction reading. Matched and Crossed by Allie Condie this is your typical...
i've been away on holiday. but now i'm back and with everyone getting back into school and making plans for the school year, i'm vowing to be a better blogger. that means more blog posts and goodness for you! you might be wondering what this picture of obviously cheap airplane pretzels and tea has to do with anything. let me tell you. i...
- i'm probably the only person in the whole world who doesn't love Swig's sugar cookies - i know all the words to every song from all three High School Musical movies - i have a bachelors degree in Exercise Science from Brigham Young University - most of my knowledge about the geography of Rome comes from the Lizzie McGuire movie ["this is...