
. .scars. .

9:39 AM
a couple months ago i got stitches in my chin. people gave me all these home remedies to help with healing the scar- making sure it wasn't larger than needed. because no one wants an unsightly scar on their chin. [confession: i kind of like scars, because to me, they tell a story.] i finally decided to use frankincense oil. i put a...


thinking thoughts

. .being adult. .

8:11 AM
in the last few months i've realized i'm starting to be an adult- like for reals. i'm done with university (for the moment), i've got a "big girl" job, my own place (still with roommates but what the heck), and i'm virtually independent. there's a lot of perks- being an adult. i can stay up as late as i want. and sleep in...


about me

. .hellos. .

12:21 PM
they say that when you are brave enough to say a good-bye, life will grant you a new hello. whatever that good bye might be- leaving a job, moving, coming home from a mission, whatever- there are hellos on the horizon. one of those hellos that i'm forever grateful for is my new friend, hannah. we met at work. technically she's kind of...


project happiness

. .the pursuit of happyness pt.2. .

2:19 PM
why is it that as humans many of us are constantly in search of something that seems to be forever just barely out of our grasps? why is happiness seemingly so hard to find? i feel like i'm constantly be searching for happiness. in retrospect there seems to be so many happy memories. and looking forward, to events that i hope for, i...



. .the pursuit of happyness pt. 1. .

11:27 PM
lately i've been thinking a lot about happiness. and how we find it. i wrote a blog post last week about happiness, but after giving it some thought i realized that i couldn't be completely true to myself unless i shared with you how i know we find true happiness. it's actually the source of all happiness. [so get ready for a completely...