i kind of love random holidays. i'll take any reason to celebrate [especially if food is involved] and so this summer i'm going to take advantage of as many "random" holidays as possible! yesterday [may 28] was National Hamburger Day. when i was in canada it was pretty tough to find a good burger. i missed me some In N Out, so yesterday...
mine is Gilmore Girls. i just finished the series today. [hey thanks netflix.] see when you go through a hard time in your life, whether it be a break up, an illness, finals, or whatever, it's good to have a tv show to fall back on. something you are familiar with, that doesn't bring up any negative emotions or memories. that's my Gilmore...
you might be wondering why i blog. what drives me to put thoughts on the internet. here's my story... for what it's worth: i started blogging in fall 2008 right after i started attending Brigham Young University. i basically started blogging to record my life and my thoughts as a university student. and i started blogging about things that i was passionate about....
sometimes divine intervention comes in the form of cupcakes. if you give a girl a cupcake, on mother's day, even though she's 25 and unmarried- definitely not a mom- it will get her thinking. cupcakes aren't just delicious morsels of cake and frosting. they are more. they represent happiness and summer. they are an entire cake that you can hold in your little...
well hey there! and welcome to halfway there. my name is Rebekah Arnesen, but if that's too long for you, i go by Beka or Bex. after seven years of blogging over at just american honey, i've made this new blog- for a new phase of life. i started blogging when i was 18, and now i'm... well, you can do the math....